We're a mixed lot...

And we hope you'd expect nothing less. After all, diversity is at the core of who we are and what we do.

We're just getting started but we already have a small team, all of us neurodivergent (at the moment), and all of highly experienced in our fields. Come say hello...

Leadership Team

Alex Stone, Founder & CEO

Alex is an innovative, creative and strategic senior marketing leader with over 30 years’ experience in marketing, media and comms.

She has built, scaled and mentored high-performing marketing functions, and delivered against double-digit growth objectives, through strategic marketing initiatives, brand strategy and awareness, demand generation, digital and AI marketing, as well as content, thought leadership and PR. She is an inspiring leader who brings empathy, understanding, flexibility, supportiveness and transparency to her teams, those she collaborates with, and, indeed, everything she does.

Alex was diagnosed with Autism and ADHD (AuADHD) just after her 50th birthday, and it explained a LOT about her life and her career! Most notably, the things she thought made her different or stopped her from feeling like she truly fitted in, were the very same things that make her a highly creative, innovative, focused, passionate, friendly, and authentic person, and marketer.

Not only that, but her diagnosis helped Alex both forgive and understand herself as being #DifferentNotDeficient (We Are Spicy’s motto). As well as opening her eyes to these challenges she has faced her new self-understanding, and journey of discovery about neurodivergence, brought with it the realisation that she was definitely not alone.

Because of her life and work experiences, Alex is passionate about changing how neurodivergent people are seen, understood and nurtured. She also loves her profession and is a highly talented, award-winning senior marketer and former business owner.

And so, We Are Spicy was born.

Martin Muncaster, Partner & CRO

Martin is a free-thinking ideas creator. With 25 years' experience in the media and advertising industry including BMP, the accepted founder of advertising planning and many industry standards. Consultancy sales in sponsorship at the challenger brand talkSPORT with the enigmatic Kelvin Mackenzie, and also as first employee of the disruptive and innovative start up City AM.

Martin has created, planned, bought and sold many innovative campaigns, winning the Silver Award in S&M’s Media Campaign Awards, for his David Gray White Ladder campaign, after the album had previously been unsuccessfully released.

Diagnosed with dyslexia aged 17, Martin achieved a BSc Degree in Science and Business Management, despite living with undiagnosed ADHD. This aspect of his neurodivergence became apparent after his son was diagnosed with ADHD, at the age of 13.

Martin’s journey hasn’t been without challenges and difficulties, but this has created a desire to raise awareness and understanding of neurodivergence, in this still largely uniformed world. Witty and passionate about freedom, integrity and individualism. He will come with three ideas not one.

A motto of his which he repeats in his mind regularly, “There is always a way”, and he usually finds it!

Martin has an ability to offer a 360-degree view of situations and will usually see things others may not have considered, highly typical of the neurodiverse brain. He has exceptional experience in Sports/Betting, Entertainment and Financial Trading which are also personal passions.

Alex Stone, Founder & CEO

Martin Muncaster, Partner & CRO

Dr. David Thorpe PhD, Chief Scientific Officer

David is a leading specialist and expert on enabling neurodiversity in the workplace and completed his PhD on the subject in August 2024.

Diagnosed autistic as a child, he had to learn to strategise against the barriers created by the world. Through masking, coping strategies, and hiding his identity, David learned first-hand the challenges the neurotypical construction of society can create.

Before academia, David worked as an assistant clinical psychologist for an autism specialist organisation. He brings an array of experience of both practical, clinical, lived experience, and academic backgrounds to the We Are Spicy team.

Using these backgrounds, David has experience as a public speaker, a workshop developer and facilitator, and an advocate for autism and neurodiversity. He has created opportunities for expressions of autistic strengths, success, and joy through his talks and events, and uses these platforms to promote awareness for the benefits of enabling neurodiversity. David is still engaged with academic research and seeks to diffuse the leading edge of academia to wider audiences and create impact.

David's resolution is to create a better world for neurodivergent individuals. One where the individual does not have to feel they have to hide who they are and, instead, is enabled to be the best they can be. David believes that through doing so, we will not only create a better world for neurodivergent individuals, but a better world for all.

As We Are Spicy’s Chief Scientific Officer, David provides a leading-edge academic perspective to our work. David designs and facilitates our organisational education materials and workshops, and consults on the overall vision of We Are Spicy.

David Thorpe is also the founder of Aspective Consulting, a company that conducts workplace audits and investigations to assess neurodiversity.

Dr. David Thorpe PhD, CSO

Leadership Team

Alex is an innovative, creative and strategic senior marketing leader with over 30 years’ experience in marketing, media and comms.

She has built, scaled and mentored high-performing marketing functions, and delivered against double-digit growth objectives, through strategic marketing initiatives, brand strategy and awareness, demand generation, digital and AI marketing, as well as content, thought leadership and PR. She is an inspiring leader who brings empathy, understanding, flexibility, supportiveness and transparency to her teams, those she collaborates with, and, indeed, everything she does.

Alex was diagnosed with Autism and ADHD (AuADHD) just after her 50th birthday, and it explained a LOT about her life and her career! Most notably, the things she thought made her different or stopped her from feeling like she truly fitted in, were the very same things that make her a highly creative, innovative, focused, passionate, friendly, and authentic person, and marketer.

Not only that, but her diagnosis helped Alex both forgive and understand herself as being #DifferentNotDeficient (We Are Spicy’s motto). As well as opening her eyes to these challenges she has faced her new self-understanding, and journey of discovery about neurodivergence, brought with it the realisation that she was definitely not alone.

Because of her life and work experiences, Alex is passionate about changing how neurodivergent people are seen, understood and nurtured. She also loves her profession and is a highly talented, award-winning senior marketer and former business owner.

And so, We Are Spicy was born.

David is a leading specialist and expert on enabling neurodiversity in the workplace and completed his PhD on the subject in August 2024.

Diagnosed autistic as a child, he had to learn to strategise against the barriers created by the world. Through masking, coping strategies, and hiding his identity, David learned first-hand the challenges the neurotypical construction of society can create.

Before academia, David worked as an assistant clinical psychologist for an autism specialist organisation. He brings an array of experience of both practical, clinical, lived experience, and academic backgrounds to the We Are Spicy team.

Using these backgrounds, David has experience as a public speaker, a workshop developer and facilitator, and an advocate for autism and neurodiversity. He has created opportunities for expressions of autistic strengths, success, and joy through his talks and events, and uses these platforms to promote awareness for the benefits of enabling neurodiversity. David is still engaged with academic research and seeks to diffuse the leading edge of academia to wider audiences and create impact.

David's resolution is to create a better world for neurodivergent individuals. One where the individual does not have to feel they have to hide who they are and, instead, is enabled to be the best they can be. David believes that through doing so, we will not only create a better world for neurodivergent individuals, but a better world for all.

As We Are Spicy’s Chief Scientific Officer, David provides a leading-edge academic perspective to our work. David designs and facilitates our organisational education materials and workshops, and consults on the overall vision of We Are Spicy.

David Thorpe is also the founder of Aspective Consulting, a company that conducts workplace audits and investigations to assess neurodiversity.

Alex Stone
Founder & CEO

Martin Muncaster
Partner & CRO

Dr. David Thorpe PhD, Chief Scientific Officer

Martin is a free-thinking ideas creator. With 25 years' experience in the media and advertising industry including BMP, the accepted founder of advertising planning and many industry standards.

Consultancy sales in sponsorship at the challenger brand talkSPORT with the enigmatic Kelvin Mackenzie, and also as first employee of the disruptive and innovative start up City AM.

Martin has created, planned, bought and sold many innovative campaigns, winning the Silver Award in S&M’s Media Campaign Awards, for his David Gray White Ladder campaign, after the album had previously been unsuccessfully released.

Diagnosed with dyslexia aged 17, Martin achieved a BSc Degree in Science and Business Management, despite living with undiagnosed ADHD. This aspect of his neurodivergence became apparent after his son was diagnosed with ADHD, at the age of 13.

Martin’s journey hasn’t been without challenges and difficulties, but this has created a desire to raise awareness and understanding of neurodiversity, in this still largely uniformed world. Witty and passionate about freedom, integrity and individualism. He will come with three ideas not one.

A motto of his which he repeats in his mind regularly, “There is always a way”, and he usually finds it!

Martin has an ability to offer a 360-degree view of situations and will usually see things others may not have considered, highly typical of the neurodiverse brain. He has exceptional experience in Sports/Betting, Entertainment and Financial Trading which are also personal passions.

time for some

time for some neuro-spiciness


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